What is Technology

Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose.

from www.wikipedia.org

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Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan
lets dream about making our lives luxurious using advanced gadgets researched and developed by others ... :-) http://quotesandfun.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Entry in Tablet Market: Huawei IDEOS S7 Pro

Since the launch of iPad in last year, Tablet market is getting congested day by day. At the moment, HTC Flyer, Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy Tab, HP Slate Tablet are few of many other big names competing Apple in this market. These tablets might be a bit costly for you to enjoy luxuries of multimedia, Internet and portability but now its not. Huawei from China has jumped in this market recently as they have announced a table PC from its IDEOS series. This is also important to mention here that as per report of BBC China has crossed Japan in economy and now is on second place after USA. We hope that after this attempt of Huawei, multiple companies will start manufacturing Tablet PCs and its price will be more affordable to common people like me. There are more details on below link.


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