What is Technology

Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose.

from www.wikipedia.org

About Me

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Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan
lets dream about making our lives luxurious using advanced gadgets researched and developed by others ... :-) http://quotesandfun.blogspot.com/

Friday, February 25, 2011

iOS 4.3 is expected in next week

News for iPhone and iOS fanclub ... in a press conference in start of Marach 2011 Apple is introducing its iPad 2 version of Tablet PC. It is also expected that new version of iOS 4.3 will be revealed in this conference. Experts are telling that they have seen an NFC (Near Flied Communication) icon in pictures released for patent registration process. This means that iOS is expected to support NFC which will provide data share facility just like in bluetooth technology.


Pic Source: http://st.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/apple-iphone-4/gal/ofic/gsmarena_003.jpg 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A valid Question!!

Is it the future ?? The robots are competing in a marathon.

Most of technologies and ideas we've seen in science fictions movies of 90s are true these days. I remember a movie of Will Smith in which he was a robot and kept feeling through out the movie that he is a human. In future if not near future, we'll be able to see robots working as sanitary workers in streets, working as traffic constables or even as bartenders dealing with customers. The 4 days marathon of robots in Japan is no doubt start of this imaginary future. The organizers of this race are confident that this race will turn up to an international event in future. BBC has more updates on this event.


Image Source: http://www.mitzvahmaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/robot.jpg 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

HTC Desire HD Vs. Samsung Galaxy S

My brother needs a smart phone. The phone which should be easily available in Pakistan and has optimum features till present. The problem is he don't like iPhone or in simple iOS. On the other hand he is a fan of Android due to its flexibility and customization. He is already using an android based phone of HTC make. Now he has limited options as iPhone is out of choice. My vote is with HTC, specially HTC Desire or HTC Desire HD if it is in budget. We also visited one of used mobile market recently for some window shopping and to get an idea or reviews of people who are selling various brands of smart phones. There is one problem, few colleagues of my brother has bought Samsung Galaxy S and now he became fond of its Super EMOLED display and battery life. Since he was busy in some software project, I have to do some R&D to get some better picture using my favorite Google. Due to certain restrictions of copyrighting I can not copy past videos and comparisons directly on my Blog but yes I can atleast provide links which I have used to do my research. These links are very useful for that person who don't like iPhone and still want to get a smart phone. You will also get some glimpses of iPhone 4G in this Blog or below links.

Phone Comparison - Video


Phone Comparison - Specifications
http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/35611/htc-desire-hd-samsung-galaxy-s (a very good comparison)

Phone as per their manufacturers

User Opinions - Samsung Galaxy S

User Opinions - HTC Desire HD

Video Quality - Comparison

Display Quality - Comparison


Image Source

Monday, February 21, 2011

One more Tablet PC ... now its from Lenovo

The tablet market it already getting crowded as every mobile or laptop manufacturer is trying to compete in this market. The latest news is that Lenovo has announced its Tablet PC expected in June this year. We hope that till then technology will be more advanced and we will see something more enthralling in this Tablet. No doubt that it will be running an android based OS may be the new versions starting with letter “i”. GSM Arena has more news on this with pictures.


New Android Version

CEO of Google Eric Schmidt as put some light on new version of Google Android. New version will be part Gingerbread part Honeycomb. Experts says it will have Gingerbread portion to provide full support to mobile phones while Honeycomb part will provide necessary support for Tablet PCs. The name of new version will start with letter "i" and it will be a desert name. It could be ice-cream or ....... we cannot say at the moment the exact name as it’s a bit secret by Google. There are few more details on below link.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Robotic Race to Moon - Sponsored by Google

Readers, I've to believe that this is start of our future imagined through science fictions. Imagine that 15 teams of robots from different countries are racing towards moon and their goal is to send videos to earth. The robot sending video of Moon first will be a winner. The race announced in 2007 and is expected to be finished in 2015. The important thing is Google is one the key sponsors of this event. BBC has more information about this race which actually will be done in future. Hope we'll be living till that time to know the results of this race.


Picture Source: http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/upload/2009/08/paper_folding_to_the_moon/moon_2_bg_0722021.jpg 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

HTC Flyer - The tablet device

News: HTC Corporation, formarly High Tech Computer Corporation of a small Asian country Taiwan has jumped into crowded market of Tablet PCs. HTC began designing some of the world's first touch and wireless hand-held devices in year 1998 initially using Windows mobile operating system. Since 2009 HTC has shifted its focus to Android OS designed and implemented by Google. The main reason of this shifting could be to provide flexibility of applications due to Android's open source community. Now there is no doubt that HTC handheld devices are globaly appreciated for its innovations, new designs and has a fan club same like iPhone of USA.

HTC has introduced Flyer in Mobile World Congress 2011 in Barcelona, Spain recently.
More news are on the link given below.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Entry in Tablet Market: Huawei IDEOS S7 Pro

Since the launch of iPad in last year, Tablet market is getting congested day by day. At the moment, HTC Flyer, Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy Tab, HP Slate Tablet are few of many other big names competing Apple in this market. These tablets might be a bit costly for you to enjoy luxuries of multimedia, Internet and portability but now its not. Huawei from China has jumped in this market recently as they have announced a table PC from its IDEOS series. This is also important to mention here that as per report of BBC China has crossed Japan in economy and now is on second place after USA. We hope that after this attempt of Huawei, multiple companies will start manufacturing Tablet PCs and its price will be more affordable to common people like me. There are more details on below link.


Facebook Chief Mark Zuckerberg Dismisses the Idea of Facebook Branded Mobile Phone

We posted a news few days back in which rumors of Facebook branded cell phone was told. We can find a number of mobile handsets which are Social Networking capable or they support Facebook, Twitter and other Social Networking sites to a great extent. But a Facebook brand phone which is specially meant for Facebook by Facebook team was a story. Now here are bad news as Mark Zuckerberg has dismisses the idea of such branded mobile having logo of Facebook on its body. We hope that Facebook will jump into mobile hardware market at some time later but at the moment they are not. To read news in full, visit below BBC website link.

Add caption


Picture source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MarkZuckerberg.jpg

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mobile World Congress show and Android OS

Yes, my favorite topic ... Android by Google. In Barcelona, Spain a mobile phone congress was held recently where new and hot gadgets including operating systems other than Android were on display. As per BBC, Android was dominant in this mobile gala with displaying Sony Ericsson's Play Station style Smart Phone, LG 3D capable Android and Samsung's Galaxy 10 were on top of all. I'll suggest to take some time and read these news on BBC's website directly as link is given below.


Super Computer Vs. Humans

We have heard humans competing with pentiums and even we have been playing games against CPU or in other words computers. Its not the end as an american TV show Jeopardy is arranging a competition of humans with an IBM made Super Computer. Can I say its start of science fiction future as we had been seeing in movies like Star Track etc. BBC has more details on this and below link will lead you to the news.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

News: Microsoft Internet Explorer is upgraded to IE9

The software giant Microsoft which is facing tough competition in web browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome has upgraded their existing web browser to one level up. Yes, they have come up with Internet Explorer version 9. As per BBC news, during beta testing of this browser it was download 25 million times by internet users. For details you can click on below link to read this hot news on BBC website.


iPhone4G Vs HTC - Comparison

Its universal truth that iPhone has a fan club who choses its products even a known flaw in its metal body and HTC cell phones are loved for variety of designs and Android operating system flexibility. To have an in-depth comparison between iPhone, specially its 4G model with HTC and other smart-phones, I have found below links very useful. I'll am once again bound to think that the technology war between research and development departments of big companies have resulted cheap luxuries like these smart gadgets.





Facebook Phone: It's Real, and Official

We heard that FB is working with cell phone menufectures to menufecture phones with tight intigration with FB and these news seems to be true now. A British cell phone manufacturer with the brand name INQ has revealed two Android phones featuring this requirement of Facebook, while HTC, which owns INQ, is also said to work on a more high-end Facebook phone, too. Details could be found by visiting this link.


Friday, February 11, 2011

News of the Day: Nokia and Microsoft form partnership

Nokia of Europe and Microsoft of USA has announced plans to form a "broad strategic partnership"
This is interesting to know that the deal is being announced after the new BOSS of Nokia who is form USA took charge of company a few days before. For detail of this deal and its effects on global smart phone and operating system, visit the link.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12427680 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Airbus A380 vs. Boeing 787

Readers as we know that in aviation two large companies are competing with each other since 1990s. These are Airbus of Europe while Boeing of USA. It is also interesting to know that in international market Airbus has EU while Boeing has USA Congress on its back. Since start of 21st century Airbus, has announced to design, manufacture, and sell the largest civil aircraft in the market while Boeing responded with a design that favored speed over size. For an interesting comparison between latest aircrafts of both companies, click this link to read details.

Source: http://www.suite101.com/content/airbus-a380-vs-boeing-787-a19941 

Honeycomb Awesomeness: Amazing Boot screen and boot in less than 10 seconds

Dear Readers, Google has done a fantastic job by introducing Andorid OS to the top level with latest Honeycomb operating system version for Tablet PCs/Cells. You will notice the smartness of Honeycomb UI as soon as switch on your Android Tablet. For details, click on this link.

Source: http://getandroidstuff.com/honeycomb-awsomeness-amazing-boot-screen-boot-10-seconds/ 

LG Optimus 3D dual cameras shows off on leaked teaser Video + Images

Friends, do you know LG is going to launch a new smart phone which supports 3D graphics. As per LG we will be able to use this phonse as we see things with our naked eyes. If you are not believing this visit the link.

Source: http://getandroidstuff.com/lg-optimus-3d-dual-cameras-shows-leaked-teaser-video-images/ 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Huawei S7 Slim tablet and Ideos X3 phone to appear at MWC11

Huawei S7 Slim tablet and Ideos X3 phone to appear at MWC11

Huawei are not exactly known for their cellphone business but traditionally, they like to have a go at the smartphone market with a device or two under their own brand. This year it's a smartphone and a tablet.

Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/huawei_s7_slim_tablet_and_ideos_x3_phone_to_appear_at_mwc11-news-2302.php

Newspaper publishers warn Apple over iTunes sales

Newspaper publishers warn Apple over iTunes sales

Newspaper on Apple iPad
Apple is being warned against trying to squeeze cash out of the newspaper industry by controlling subscriptions for iPads and iPhones

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12391899
Robots could soon have an equivalent of the internet and Wikipedia.

European scientists have embarked on a project to let robots share and store what they discover about the world.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12400647

A future without car crashes?

A future without car crashes?


Sunday, February 6, 2011

The ENT+ technology relies on a 2.4 Ghz wireless network protocol and could be simultaneously connected to multiple health devices. Connection between devices is a matter of push of a button or just holding the devices near one another for a couple of seconds.

Just a Starter

Readers, we are living  21st century and things are changed to a great extent. This Blog is created to share each others views that how our future will look like and what facilities will be available to make our life easy and more luxurious. In general we are noticing advancements in technology and it is getting cheaper and cheaper with time passes. Due to new additions and improvements in technology, it is also getting cheaper and hence is reachable to common people. There are lots of examples comes in our mind for such advancements and I'll like to add few here for reference.

Cell Phone
I remember when I saw first cell phone in late 90s and I was amazed to know how it works and what technology is used in it. Later I had discovered that in general the cell phones are of two types GSM based and AIMS based. In simple the cell phones which needed SIM cards were called GSM while the ones with no need of SIM cards were called as AIMS Based technology. Now, I haven't seen anyone who has no cell phone with him and even sanitary workers carry one or sometimes two cell phones with them

Dish Antennas
No doubt the dish antenna was brought to Pakistan in late 80s, correct me if I'm wrong, and was considered as status symbol. Now a days the next generation of dish antennas is available even in villages and its due to advancements in technology. Now thousands of channels are on air and new technologies like satellites are being used to provide entertainment and information across the universe.

Originally, they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers. I remember the first computer which I used in 1994 was with windows 3.1 and which was loaded from command prompt. The rivalry in computer hardware and software companies and improvement in their research and development departments, now we are going to see and then use tablet PCs for our day to day needs.